Percentage of opening for Doors &
Windows - as per design
Main Door - Teak Wood frame & shutter
including hardware – Rs.1,00,000/- per
door - Frame of thickness 6"X4"
Puja Door - Teak Wood Up to
Internal Door - Teak wood frame & flush
shutter with veneer including hardware –
Rs.20,000/- per door
Bathroom Door - Wood frame & flush
shutter with veneer including hardware –
Rs.20,000/- per door
UPVC windows – 5mm clear glass with MS
Grills, Basic price: UPVC with MS grill –
Rs.1,200/- per Sqft or Wooden - Teak wood
frame (5"X3") and Teak wood Shutter (1.5"
thickness) with clear glass and grill rods
MS Gate - Upto Rs.700/- sqft
External Staircase & Balcony Railing - SS
Railings for staircase and SS Railing with Glass
for balcony Upto Rs.450/- sqft
Indoor Staircase - SS/Brass/Wood Railing
with toughened glass